Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hello Old Friend

I recently completed a 6 day trip on the C&O Canal which I will post about soon. After that for various reasons, I did not ride for 5 days. That is easily the longest stretch without riding in the last year. But I rode my commute Monday and today. I was a little sluggish Monday morning but have been picking it up since then.

Looks like it might not be hot at all riding home today. Right now it is raining pretty steady. It will be a welcome change.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Buck Stops Here

Actually this is about 2 bucks, male deer that is.

Near the end of this morning's commute on the Black Creek Greenway, I spotted 2 bucks on the trail ahead of me. I often spot wildlife (besides small birds and squirrels) on my ride including deer, but this is the first time I have seen bucks with antlers like these. They were stopped and looking at me. They did not seem to concerned. I stopped and took a picture. Even though one buck moved out of sight while I got out my iPhone, I had great hopes for this picture. But I forgot the iPhone does not do a great job in the early morning light. This blurry mess is what I got. You can at least tell it is a deer, if I tell you it is.

I should have steadied the camera better. Live and learn. Plus I might borrow the new waterproof camera, Fujifilm Z33WP,  I got my wife and try that on the bike. Really I did buy it for her even though I am the only to have used it so far. Hey it is even pink. It must be for her.

Back to the bucks, I could see them quite well and they moved down into the creek bed on the left and crossed up the bank and out of sight. I was hoping to count the points on the antlers in the photo, but it is too blurry. My future holds some better photographic technique.

Ride rating: 2 rabbit and 2 bucks

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cary Greenway Update

I exchanged email with Doug McRainey, Parks Planning Manager for the Town of Cary, about the greenway signs. He said the signs are part of our recently approved comprehensive sign plan for the Town's parks and greenways. Besides the signs I spotted on the Hinshaw Greenway, signs have been installed them at Pirate's Cove Greenway, Batchelor Branch Greenway, sections of the White oak Creek Greenway. So it looks like these will continue to roll out although it may be a year before they are all done.

Doug invited me to do two things I will take him up on as I have time. First he suggested visiting Bond Park where 3 to 5 different greenways will intersect. Bond Park will be the hub of the Cary greenway system.

The second thing Doug invited me to do is attend a Greenway Committee meeting. I will try and do that in the upcoming months and report back on what I learn.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A break in the weather

Here in NC we are finally getting a break from the heat. After about 3 weeks with above average temperatures, 10 to 15 degrees above, we are actually slightly below average. Riding in the mornings around 70 degrees and the afternoon in the mid 80s is a big improvement.

Wednesday I spotted 3 rabbits and this little guy.

That is about a 6 inch long copperhead. He was crossing the trail and froze as I passed. I stopped and turned around to get this picture which is not as clear as I would like, but you can see him. I moved on and he was unmolested by me. Live and let live. This little guy needs to eat quite a few insects, frogs and lizards before he is big enough to threaten even the baby rabbits along the trail.