Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How to Share the Road

We should all be aware of the phrase share the road. In North Carolina, you can even get a Share the Road license plate.

But I think the problem is that people don't know what that means. I think it would improve cyclist safety on the road if there was better education on the rights and responsibilities of cyclists.

For drivers, I would like to see the following.

  • Make sure there is a section in the driver's handbook about cyclists
  • Make sure each test for getting your driver license includes at least one random question about cyclists

Since cyclists don't get a license (and I am not advocating that they should), it is harder to enforce the same education. The best I can think of is giving a pamphlet with every new bike. Of course picking up a bike on Craig's list or dusting off a stored bike would by-pass this, at least it is a start

All this made me wonder what a person could find online if they were looking for information on safe cycling. I poked around a little and found some resources I want to share. The League of American Bicyclists has various resources for cyclists. They also train instructors. You can search for a Smart Cycling class or instructor in your area. The League of American Bicyclists has also worked with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to create a video available on YouTube.

I was also aware of the Peloton Project which has guidance to riders and drivers. It also talks about rules for group rides.If you host group rides definitely check it out.

But the best site I found was Bicycle Safe. It goes beyond general advice and gives concrete examples, complete with diagrams, of 10 ways cyclists have trouble with cars and gives tips on how to avoid them.

Does your state include cycling sections in the driver's manual or questions on the test?

Do you know of other good cycling safety sites?

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